RMOT students are assisting various natural resource agencies and local environmental organizations in projects that vary in scope. The projects are designed to allow students to gain practical experience as well as develop networking opportunities within the central Vancouver Island area.
All these activities are closely monitored with appropriate levels of training and coaching from both RMOT instructors and resource personnel.
Note: Agencies accepting students on projects may require a criminal record check.
Past projects have included
- Englishman River Salmon Project (DFO)
- Buttertubs Marsh User Survey
- Millstone River Adult Coho Salmon Spawning Survey (DFO)
- Mt. Benson Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (NALT)
- Illegal clam harvesting patrols (DFO)
- Backcountry Recreation Impact Monitoring (BC Parks)
- Brant Monitoring in Parksville/Qualicum area (COS)
- Illegal Steelhead Angling Patrols (COS)
- Game Bird Hunting Open/Close Time Monitorring (COS)
- Vesper Sparrow Habitat Restoration (NALT)
- Canada Geese Addling Project (Fairwinds Golf course, Nanoose)
- Illegal litter and waste Monitoring Project (RDN)
- Urban Salmon Habitat Program (MOE)
- Salmon in the City (DFO) (1999/2000)