Coho Fry

FISH 191/192/291/292/392

Fish 191/192/291/292 Applied Techniques in Aquatic Systems & Fisheries I-IV

These courses constitute a significant portion of the weekly experiential learning that both Diploma and Post Degree Diploma students do during their program. This course is designed to give students practical experience in both supervised and unsupervised environments. Students will choose from a selection of content, including but not limited to: salmonid conservation, salmonid culture, aquaponics, fish health, alternate species culture, aquaculture laboratory techniques, data management and analysis, and invertebrate culture. Not all content is available every year.

Fish HealthSpencer Russell
Salmonid ConservationDuane Barker
Invertebrate CultureStefanie Zaklan Duff
AquaponicsMark Noyon/Dan Baker
Aquaculture Lab TechniquesTim Green
Data Management and AnalysisDuane Barker