Coho Fry
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Professor Gord Edmondson

  • Technologist – Facilities Operations
  • Lab Instructor, water quality
  • Sturgeon Research
  • Tour Guide


  • DipT Wildland Recreation, Selkirk College, Castlegar (1979)
  • DipT Fish/Aqua, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo (1987)


Gord is a graduate of Vancouver Island University's Fisheries and Aquaculture Program and has been employed here since 1987. His duties involve maintenance and design of the various culture systems utilized at the campus hatcheries. He also teaches water quality analysis, various field skill workshops, is part of the team taught lake survey course, and oversees the sturgeon project.

Gord's primary research interests center on white sturgeon biology, culture and populations. Working with Dr. Dave Lane (emeritus) and Mr. Bill Bennett (research associate) in 1992-93, Gord was involved with a juvenile sturgeon tagging and ageing project on the lower Fraser River. Water recirculation technology is another major area of interest since most of the campus facilities use various recirculation techniques.

Courses taught

  • FISH 162: Shop Skills Lab
  • FISH 171T/172T: Field Practicum
  • FISH 191T/192T: Projects in Fish Husbandry
  • FISH 132: Water Quality Analysis Lab
  • FISH 281: Lake Survey Techniques

Organizations and Affiliations

  • Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC)
  • Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC)
  • World Aquaculture Association (WAS)

Selected Publications

  • Lane, E.D., M. Rosenau, B. Bennett, and G. Edmondson. 1994. The Conservation of Sturgeon Stocks in the Lower Fraser River Watershed. A Baseline Investigation of Habitat, Distribution, Age and Population of Juvenile White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Lower Fraser River, Downstream of Hope, BC. Habitat Conservation Fund Project - Final Report. 81 p