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Astronomy Courses


Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

ASTR 111 (3) Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System (Ends Feb 2025)

Introduction to fundamental principles in astronomy. Topics include geocentric vs. heliocentric astronomy, the celestial sphere, navigating the night sky, tides and eclipses, and a detailed examination of the planets and other solar system objects. Includes a bi-weekly lab and observing sessions, weather permitting. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Principles of Physics 12, or min. "C+" in either Principles of Physics 11 or Applications of Physics 12; min. "C+" in one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 152.

ASTR 111 (3) Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System (Effective Mar 2025)

Introduction to fundamental principles in astronomy. Topics include geocentric vs. heliocentric astronomy, the celestial sphere, navigating the night sky, tides and eclipses, and a detailed examination of the planets and other solar system objects. Includes a bi-weekly lab and observing sessions, weather permitting. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in one of Pre-calculus 12, MATH 145 or MATH 152.

ASTR 112 (3) Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies (Ends Feb 2025)

Introduction to the fundamental principles of astronomy. Topics include telescopes, properties of the Sun, general properties of stars (stellar birth, evolution, death), black holes/relativity, the interstellar medium, the Milky Way and other galaxies, extraterrestrial life, and theories of the origin and evolution of the universe. Bi-weekly lab and observing sessions, weather permitting. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Principles of Physics 12, or min. "C+" in either Principles of Physics 11 or Applications of Physics 12; min. "C+" in one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 152.

ASTR 112 (3) Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies (Effective Mar 2025)

Introduction to the fundamental principles of astronomy. Topics include telescopes, properties of the Sun, general properties of stars (stellar birth, evolution, death), black holes/relativity, the interstellar medium, the Milky Way and other galaxies, extraterrestrial life, and theories of the origin and evolution of the universe. Bi-weekly lab and observing sessions, weather permitting. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in one of Pre-calculus 12, MATH 145 or MATH 152.

ASTR 311 (3) Exploring the Universe

A detailed examination of the evidence for and current thinking on the birth, evolution, and eventual fate of the Universe. Topics include the Big Bang model, relativity, peculiar but useful objects such as quasars and supernovae, and the search for extra solar planets and life beyond Earth. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing or permission of instructor.

ASTR 312 (3) History of Astronomy and Cosmology

An examination of the development of astronomical/cosmological ideas within a historical framework. Basic astronomical concepts will be introduced as required. Topics will span recorded human history, from early man's view of the sky through to current understanding of the cosmos. No formal background in astronomy assumed. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing or permission of instructor.